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Our visit to the NI Aerospace & Defence Forum

Austin Consultants were proud to be Diamond Exhibitors at the recent NI Aerospace & Defence Forum in Reading on the 14th June. Our visit to the NI Aerospace & Defence Forum provided us with a great opportunity to meet new and prospective clients and partners by being able to demonstrate our capabilities and service offerings in person, both within the Aerospace and Defence sector and our other industries we work within.

We were also pleased to be able to catch up with some of our past and existing clients, other industry partners and National Instruments Colleagues.

On the day itself there were numerous presentations from leaders and innovators within the Aerospace and Defence Sector providing some valuable insight into the industry and what is happening in the future.

Our visit to the NI Aerospace & Defence Forum - Our Demo

Our Demo’s

At our visit to the NI Aerospace & Defence Forum, we were able to take along our latest demo kits including the eGenius™; a domestic energy monitor designed and built by our sister company Green Running.

Both of our Demo’s drew particular interest prompting discussion around our capabilities to offer solutions in the hot topic areas of both Condition Monitoring and IoT.

IoT Condition Monitoring Tool

  • It is a web-based automated test system. The web interface configures a sequence of steps (toggling DIO lines) that are executed on the myRIO.
  • The Architecture can be used to send various types of signals to various types of devices/instruments.
  • It allows you to implement deterministic, custom control and condition monitoring algorithms that are configurable from the web User Interface (UI).
  • The state of the outputs are monitored on the web UI and are then logged on the myRIO.
  • Additionally, various analogue values can be displayed on graphs/meters too.

The Technology:

  • Software: LabVIEW Real-Time, Web services on Real-Time targets, Custom web interface using HTTP5, CSS3 and JavaScript
  • Hardware: NI myRIO embedded controller, Tablet PC.

The eGenius™ – Raspberry Pi

  • Is a real-time domestic energy monitoring device that provides households an instant breakdown of their energy use.
  • Sophisticated machine learning algorithms identify the unique power signatures of each household device as they are switched on and off and this information is displayed to the user through our front end mobile application.
  • With the eGenius™ consumers are smarter and less wasteful with the way they use electricity at home and able to make fact-based decisions about replacing old and inefficient devices.

The Technology:

  • Austin Consultants LabVIEW advanced machine learning toolkit
  • Uses SVMs, HMMs, Random Forests, Active Learning
  • Embedded ARM processor, WiFi access point.

Substation Monitor

  • A three phase electricity and condition monitoring system for use in substations
  • Can take up to 8 voltage and 8 current and sample up to a million times per second
  • Full power quality analysis
  • Data available via web service or websocket
  • Full configurable JavaScript front-end

The Technology

  • Software: LabVIEW, Austin Consultants’ LabVIEW Advanced Machine Learning Toolkit
  • Hardware: cDAQ, custom enclosure

Austin Resourcing

We were also joined on the day by Ian Le Grand from our specialist LabVIEW recruitment company Austin Resourcing. Ian was able to meet prospective new clients and partners, and was able to make some great connections with prospective companies looking for new recruits in the field.

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