12-29-2015 11:05 AM
Also, did you try any of the other formats in that list of what's supported by NI-IMAQdx? Although the others are non-standard names, it would be worth checking if they worked. After looking into the code I noticed an inconsistency with our implementation concerning that particular format that could be causing an issue.
12-29-2015 02:32 PM
Nevermind what I previously said about YCbCr422_8, sorry! I looked into this some more and it seems that YCbCr422_8 is correctly implemented and definitely should be supported. I validated that YCbCr422_8 is working on several different cameras, so please let us know if you're still having issues with that pixel format name after you've changed it.
12-29-2015 06:28 PM
There is no 0xBFF69037. but NI-MAX is automatically closed..
if you don't support the format,
We are considering changing the format of theYUV422_packed. the foramt is supported..
12-29-2015 07:48 PM
Yes, you're right.
There is no error messages.. NI-MAX is automatically closed when the grab is clicked..
NI-MAX doesn't support the YUV422_8, YCbCr422_8..
if NI can not support the format, we consider changing the format to YUV422_packed in our camera.
the format YUV422_packed is supported in our other cameras.
01-27-2016 01:59 AM
We had changed the format to YUV422 Packed. so we can get the image from NI- MAX..
the current setting is as following,
1920x1080p, 60fps, 16bit/pixel. -> BW: about 2 Gbps.
After grabing the image in two days, the NI-MAX send the stream stop command to the camera.
Why does it happen?
02-25-2016 01:24 PM
I just wanted to update this thread to say that the latest version of Vision Acquisition Software added support for YUV422_8 and several other aliases:
Support for cameras using the following aliases for existing decoders:
02-28-2016 07:10 PM
According to the pixel format,
if the format of the camera is changed, there is no problem..
We want to know why NI MAX suddenly sends the stream stop command to the camera after grabbing the image in a few days..
02-28-2016 07:12 PM
02-28-2016 08:14 PM
Let us know which of cases NI-MAX sends the stream stop command while grabbing the image?
02-28-2016 08:16 PM