04-10-2006 09:49 PM
04-11-2006 12:40 AM
04-11-2006 03:04 AM
Thanks alot ThSA, i'll try your suggestion and post my comments. Thanks.
04-12-2006 09:24 AM
04-17-2006 11:17 PM
Hi ThSA,
I'm using LabView 7.1 and I saw the vision examples you've mentioned. But could you spare me your technical advise to further enlighten me with my queries:
1. I have a new fuseblock with a fuse-holder layout as shown in the attached "Fuse Block1.jpg ". For the "training mode", how am I going to make this new fuseblock as the reference/template/model for the succeeding fuseblocks with similar fuse layout?
2. Am i going to capture the image of the individual fuse or take the image of the fuseblock as a whole?
3. For the "testing mode" where i'll be inspecting other fuseblock against the template I'll be creating, how am I going to use the images i captured as stated in question #2?
4. Are there any codes that i could refer to that pop-up screens to display the location of the fuse that failed, as well as the actual color fuse that should be in that location?
Hope you could help me with this. Thanks for whatever technical advice you could spare.
04-19-2006 09:40 AM
04-19-2006 09:42 PM
04-26-2006 01:33 AM
Hi ThSA,
Got some confusion here:
1. Let say for example i have 2-column and 10-row color fuseblock. I want to "train" a 30A pink fuse inserted on slot Column1-Row10, and I also want to "train" a 30A pink fuse inserted on slot Column2-Row5. Both locations have different lighting conditions that would definitely affect my "inspection" for the succeeding fuseblocks. "Train" means that LV will learn the COLOR and MARKING of the fuse on a specific location on the fuseblock. My questions:
- During the "training", how could I separately "train" the 30A pink fuses inserted on both locations?
- Do I have to use OCR to "train" the MARKING on the fuses?
- Is there a way that the I could say that the 30A pink fuse is for Column1-Row10 only, or for Column3-Row5 only? Do I have to specify the fuses' coordinates? If yes, how is it done?
I tried pattern matching.vi but i couldn't get desirable outcome. Please help me clarifty these issues.
Thanks alot for the info.
04-27-2006 12:22 PM
05-03-2006 01:08 AM
Hi Allen,
Thanks alot, i'll try your suggestion and give you feedback afterwards. Thanks again.