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Connecting a Bosch IP 5000 HD camera over ethernet to labview / NI Max



I'm trying to connect a Bosch IP 5000 hd camera to labview using a ethernet connection. I've managed to run the camera in Bosch Video Client, but I can't see it on my NI Max - My devices. On the internet i read that NI only supports Basler and Axis camera's. (

How can I implement this camera in Labview, or is it impossible?


Kind regards,

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Message 1 of 8

Hi KevinAverna,


Although there are other methods of interfacing with IP Cameras, one very simple method is to leverage Virtual Webcam software which emulates the functionality of a USB webcam. One such piece of software is the IP Camera Adapter. Once this software is installed, it will be capable of emulating your MJPEG stream as a DirectShow device. This will allow the IMAQdx drivers to use the camera and, therefore, allow you to interface the camera with LabVIEW and NI Vision. 

You can download the IP Camera Adapter from here. Once installed, you can navigate the the Configure IP Camera Adapter shortcut in your start menu. You will see a screen like this:

You can use this screen to configure the location of the camera feed, username, password and resolution. Upon clicking OK you will be prompted that you must restart any applications using the camera for the changes to take effect. Restart MAX and you will see the camera appear under the IMAQdx part of the Hardware tree.

Let us know how it goes, 


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Message 2 of 8

Dear Rebecca,

Thank you for your respone.


When I try to autodetect the resolution, i get 3 possible errors:


- Couldn't connect to the host

- Cannot decode the received image. Wrong username/password?

- No Response


I can see the camera in NI Max but i gives a black screen.
How do i figure out the password / username of the camera?


Kind regards,


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Message 3 of 8

Hey Kevin,


Are they included in Connection Settings >> Camera Info?

Do you have software to broadcast an MJPEG stream on your camera at the moment? If not you'll need to download this to the camera too. The below links discuss this (although it's talking about an Android Phone).

Using an Android Phones Camera With NI Vision Software and Integrating Android Devices with NI Vision Software



 This adapter will help you stream video from your camera directly to LabVIEW but is not officially supported by National Instruments so it may be worth contacting it's developers for further troubleshooting. If you want to acquire separate images you will need to use property nodes to take a screen capture, save that to an image file and then open that file as an IMAQ image like in this example.




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Message 4 of 8

Dear Rebecca,

I changed the URL and username pssword. Now it says: 'Successfully received image size. Your camera Works.

however, when I press Apply and close/reopen NI Max it still gives a black screen. NI Max often crashes now.

(see inserted Capture)

What could still be wrong given the autodetect says my camera works?

Kind regards,

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

NI Max gives this error:


Exception: Access violation (0xC0000005) at EIP=0x2AA0BE33

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Message 6 of 8

Hey Kevin, 


Have you checked the error report? C:\User\username\Documents\LabVIEW Data\LVInternalReports\NIMAX\ 

Debugging a Crash in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) with Windows


It should point out where the exception occurred.


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Message 7 of 8

Dear Rebecca,

Yes, it contains this:


see attachment capture

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Message 8 of 8