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Does Vision Dev Runtime 2018 SP1 exist?

So here's the thing, I know the link to download Vision Dev Runtime 2018 (released 5/2018).  

Is there a service pack 1 (SP1) version of Vision Development Runtime 2018?

The Vision Development module 2018 SP1 exists (10/2018).

The Vision Development module Runtime 2018 SP1 readme file exists (11/2018).


If anyone knows the link to Vision Development module Runtime SP1, please let me know.

- and maybe it doesn't exist.



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If you already have previous versions of Vision Dev, you may be able to update it to Vision Dev 2018 Runtime SP1 using the NI Update Service.


Another option would be to download the Vision Development Module 2018 SP1. During installation, you can choose to only install Runtime SP1 and choose not to install the full development system. Please let me know if this works.

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