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Get Last Event - Click Event returned coordinates incorrect


I need to get the pixel a user clicks on in my IMAQ image. We are not using an IMAQ camera. Our old method had to do a lot of maths with co-ordinates on mouse click, image position and working out relative positions. 


This example is exactly what I want to do, and works on my computer beautifully.


As my image is in a VI in a subpanel I wrapped the above example in a subpanel and it still works. 


However when I try to use this in my application it doesn't work with the mouse up event.

My image size is 1280 x 1024.

The point click event returns one of 4 values pairs depending on the quadrant clicked [0,0]  [640,0]  [0,511] or [640,511]. Interesting this is 1/2 image size. 

Mouse location returns corrects co-ordinates. Zoom tool returns correct co-ordinates. So not sure what is wrong. 

Co-ordinates code.pngCoordinates panel.png

Any suggestions?

 I will use mouse location in the meantime as its probably close enough, but it would be nice to know why the coordinates event is not working. 


LabVIEW 2018. 



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Message 1 of 5

Confirmed its not due to IMAQ Array to Image... which is how I am loading the camera data in the program. 


IMAQ JPEG Load.pngDisplay image is the only control with a mouse event in my application. So can't see how other events should be confusing it. 


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Message 2 of 5

Let's try to check this forum:


I think it's very helpful in this situation



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Message 3 of 5

thanks @capuy for suggestion. I had found that thread, and I have re-read / tried their code again for clues, but I can't see anything helpful there for my issue.

Its seems the issue there was the OP was looking for events from selection tool vs point tool. I definitely have point tool selected and click events for point tool. Scrolling works fine. 

As mentioned I am following the example - and I modified the example to match my application by using it in a subpanel and without IMAQ camera. Was still ok. 


After some testing the Last Mouse Position is more accurate than what we had, but I think it would be better to use the event coordinates if I could get it working properly. 

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Message 4 of 5
Image->Property Node->ROI to get the Pixel location Point clicked on image.
Message 5 of 5