03-07-2006 12:15 PM
03-09-2006 09:09 AM
03-10-2006 02:22 AM
03-13-2006 06:08 PM
04-10-2011 09:07 AM
I saw your reply and learn a lot .I have a similar question. pcie 1430 and camera silicon imaging 11300MH-CL
I want to trigger each image with labview program .The CC1 in the camera link is said to be used to trigger the camera ,and the camera itself have a trigger line, which one have to use.
Then, I can decide with IMAQ trigger3.vi which type of trigger to use , what is the different between external and ISO in. which one is from the SMB port.
I am sorry for my silly question.
04-10-2011 09:33 AM
I read your reply and learn a lot . PCIE 1430 camera silicon imaging 1300MH_CL
I want to trigger each images continuously , the CC1line is said to be trigger the camera ,but the camera itself have a trigger line.so which one to use.
I can choose which type of trigger to use with IMAQ configer trigger3.vi but what is the difference between external and ISO in .which one is coming from the port SMB .
can you give me some information or examples about my problem . oh , I do not have a RTSI cable .