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Image threshold Example VI crash after abort execution

Hi folks,


I want to implement the Image thrshold example into my own VI, but I found a problem in this example is that the VI works fine when I run it, but it crash all the time when I abort it and it is very annoying. Is it something to do with some memory curuption or some bug of this example? I have attached the example, any help will be greatly appreatiated. 

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Message 1 of 12

It's working fine for me. Maybe you can explain few more details

-which algorithm it crashes?

-does it show the thresholded image?

Message 2 of 12



I tried your code and it appears to be an example in example finder.


For me this VI crashed once and now I am trying to recreate the behavior but not crashing now.


Are you twicking parameters inside the VI and then it is crashing or as soon as you abort it after a run and suddenly crashes?

Message 3 of 12

this is one of the problem that some times happen and there is no clear answer for it 
one of reason is that may be one of  ni dll are involve with more than one application and function then it make error ?!!

it is better to try to find upgrade example instead of this example  some  time it fix problem
also some of bellows action can reduce problem but not fix it absolutely   
1 disable your antivirus 

2 try to delete or replace some of subvi 

3 log in your pc with admin account 

4 open your vi with other version of LV

Message 4 of 12

HI Udka,


Thanks for your reply. I am sorry that I didn't mention the example crashed when I tweaked  the parameters and then abort execution. It's fine when I aborted it without changing the parameters.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

Hi LVKrAkEn,


Thanks for your reply. I am sorry that I didn't mention the example crashed when I tweaked  the parameters inside the VI and then abort execution. It's fine when I simpplly run it and then abort it. Caould you tell me how you recreated the behavior and solve the problems?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

Can you post what exact values and which algorithm caused crash?

Message 7 of 12

Hi  Hatef,


Thank you very much for your advices, I will have a try.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

Hi Udka,

There is no specific parameter or algerithm that leads to the crash of the programme when I abort it. As loog as I play around with the controls and it dose not matter which one, it crash. 


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

For any application if you have a STOP button

Don't Use Abort...!!!!!

Also I tried your code and the code in example finder both behaves differently.

I dont know what is causing this but you can try the example attached and let us know wether this is also crashing or not.


Message 10 of 12