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Issue/Error Message when Calling LabVIEW VI in Vision Builder

I was running LabVIEW 2015 SP1 and Vision Builder 2015, and I was trying to call a LabVIEW VI in Vision Builder. However, I got the error message that others have gotten, "The VI is broken or one of its subVIs is broken or cannot be found". I have already followed everything here: I called the same VI in the llb again, but I had the same error message. I was wondering what else I can try to resolve this, and I greatly appreciate any help or idea. Thank you!

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In this article, does the same method apply to LabVIEW prior to 2018 and Vision Builder prior to 2018?.


Would the screenshot below be an expected Preview when "Building Specifications"? The Vision Builder.llb contains all the VIs. Thank you!


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