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PCIe-1433 recognized, but no cameras listed

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I'm trying to get set up with my PCIe-1433 card on Windows 10, Labview 2017 32-bit, VAS1710. Card is recognized in device manager  as a PCIe-1433. It also shows up in MAX, but its name appears with a long string appended and when I click on it I only get very basic information about the card on the right. No information about channels or cameras. The PoE Basler camera I've attached to it does not power on.

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Message 1 of 9

Hi chr2,

Just for confirmation: I'm assuming you mean PoCL and not PoE since the PCIe-1433 is a Camera Link frame grabber.

Regarding the PoCL feature, that should be enabled based on the camera file for your camera. More details on that can be found here.


The NI MAX issue seems to be the more pressing one.

  • Is it possible for you to share screenshots of how the card appears in Windows Device Manager and in NI MAX?
  • Did you install the driver on that system before inserting the PCIe-1433? We generally recommend installing the driver then putting the card in the computer to ensure proper driver association.
  • Did you restart your system after installing everything?
  • Sometimes a corrupt NI MAX database can cause things which show up in Windows Device Manager properly to show up incorrectly in NI MAX. Can you try resetting the MAX database? This KnowledgeBase covers how to do this, but please make sure to read the section under Additional Information regarding backing up any settings.
Charlie J.
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 9

I meant PoCL, not PoE.


Drivers were installed before the card was, and I did restart after installing. I just tried resetting the NI MAX database and restarting - this did not help. I've attached screenshots showing which driver the card is using (from Device Manager) and what the card looks like in MAX.

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Message 3 of 9

1. In MAX, expand "My System -> Software".

2. Click "NI-VISA"

3. Look on the bottom middle-right for a tab that says "VISA Options".  Click it.

4. Under "General Settings", you should see "Show only devices registered with VISA".  Make sure this is checked.  If it is already checked, uncheck it (by selecting the other option), and then recheck it.

5. Hit "Save".

6. Restart the machine.

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Message 4 of 9

You can also see this problem if there is an issue reading the serial number on the board.  Have you updated the firmware recently? 

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Message 5 of 9

Thanks rrobe, in my case the "show only devices registered with VISA" was checked. After unchecking and restarting, the long string changed to something like Instr::VISA::etc, but I still don't have the regular camera channel or frame grabbing options.


I tried this card in a few other machines, and in some (same OS, same version of Vision Acquisition) it worked! So I think the firmware on the card is fine. But unfortunately I don't have full-time access to the machine on which the card worked.

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Message 6 of 9

Hi chr2,

If I'm reading rrobe's instructions correctly, we need to toggle that setting again so that the "Show only devices registered with VISA" is checked. Give that a try, and confirm that the card still shows up in Device Manager as being associated with the IMAQ driver. 

Can you also try one of the examples in LabVIEW for IMAQ? You can find these by navigating to "Help >> Find Examples..." to open the Example Finder, then navigating to "Hardware Input and Output >> Vision Acquisition >> NI-IMAQ >> High-Level." I would recommend trying HL Snap with the interface name set to img0 (which should be the default).


I'm assuming this is the only card that has been used on this computer, and this should let us see if there's simply a problem with how NI MAX is recognizing the card or something else. 

Charlie J.
National Instruments
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Message 7 of 9
Accepted by topic author chr2

Thanks GatorBait, I tried all your steps without success. I actually did have a 1473R card in this machine previously, and that worked just fine.


However, I did finally get it working. I noticed I had some updates to NI Vision queued in the NI update manager, so I let those install. All the NI software on this machine was installed from last summer through fall, so I guess there was just a bad driver in those older packages, and the latest updates fix it. That explains why it worked on another machine: fresh install.

Message 8 of 9

Hi chr2,

That's great to hear that fixed it, and thanks for reporting back!

Charlie J.
National Instruments
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Message 9 of 9