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Smart camera Ni 1722 and Vision Builder 2019



NI 1722 worked fine at Vision Builder 2013. After updating system to Vision Builder 2019 application cannot see connected camera. Is there any solutions to get it worked? Maybe needed FW update?




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Message 1 of 10


Unfortunately Vision Builder doesn't support NI-1722 after 2013 SP1 version (Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Supported Versions for NI Smart Camera Devices).

You can go back to the version you were using originally or try to use another camera.


Vision Builder Support.png

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

Thank for your answer. Do you know is it possible take picture with NI smart camera without using Vision builder? Would be good to have some code example on LabView or NET

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

You can try using Vision Acquisition Software (VAS) to acquire, display, and save images, though only the NI Vision Development Module and NI Vision Builder software packages include built-in support for advanced image processing and analysis.

Also, beware that NI-1722 is supported up to VAS 18.0 (included) version.

You might find these Vision Acquisition Software and LabVIEW CompatibilityDoes My Camera Use NI-IMAQ, NI-IMAQdx or NI-IMAQ I/O helpful.

Some example VIs can be found in LabVIEW Example Finder.

Maybe this video can give you a kick-start.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

NI-IMAQ, NI-IMAQdx cannot see camera. If run NI-MAX it can see camera and I can grab pictures. Questions how grab picture in LV?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

Can I ask what are your LabVIEW and IMAQ versions?

(You can check out supported IMAQ version for NI-1722 here)


And if you're thinking about capturing an image without IMAQ functions, you may find some options/suggestions on acquiring a webcam image without vision toolbox thread.


In case you haven't already seen these:

Camera detected in MAX but not found in Labview

NI1752 smart camera with LabView



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

LV 19.0.1.f1

NI-IMAQ 19.5.0

NI MAX 20.0


Seems NI MAX has some another way to communicate with camera. There is working NI 1722.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10


As I know MAX uses IMAQ(dx) drivers to communicate with the camera.

The issue is probably from LabVIEW side.

A few more questions:

- How does the problem appear (you're getting an error while trying to communicate with the camera in LabVIEW, missing NI-IMAQ(dx) functions palette, NI-1722 does not enumerate in camera selector)?

- Are you using 64-bit version of LabVIEW (because that seems to be an issue in some cases)?

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10



LV 2019 32bit

IMAQdx installed and working with other cameras (ethernet, not smart)

NI-1722 does not enumerate in camera selector

On NI MAX, the camera is visible and the camera image is available

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

Is it possible that you have other (earlier version) of Vision Acquisition Software or IMAQ drivers installed too?

That can be the reason why MAX sees the camera, but LabVIEW is unable to communicate with it (it can be, that your LabVIEW version is not compatible with the driver version that allows you to see the camera on MAX).

Can ask for a MAX report to eliminate this possibility?

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Message 10 of 10