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Two same webcams but not same video mode attribut

Hello world,


I have two same webcams (ref 926H, manufacturer Spedal) used with Vision.
For the two webcams, "Video mode" attribut is not the same.
For the first webcam the lists is true to the product (until 60fps for 1920x1080 resolution).
While for the second webcam maximum is 30fps.

A screenshot of lists in attachment.


I have tested with MAX 20.5 and Vision 20.6.
The vendors confirms that the webcams work at 60fps.


Have you got an idea why the list is not the same and how to resolve it to have 60 fps ?


Thank you.


Best regards.





J'ai deux webcams identiques (référence 926H de la marque Spedal) que j'utilise sous Vision.
Dans les deux cas l'attribut "Video mode" n'a pas la même liste.
Pour la 1ère la liste est conforme au produit (allant jusque 60fps en 1920x1080).
Tandis que pour la 2ème, c'est 30 fps maximum quelque soit la résolution.

En PJ la copie des listes.


J'ai testé avec MAX 20.5 et Vision 20.6.
Le vendeur me confirme que les webcams vont à 60fps.


Avez vous une idée de pourquoi la liste est différente et comment régler cela pour avoir du 60fps ?


Merci par avance.

Sans titre.png


Julien V.


[LabVIEW Programming]


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That is odd. Let me throw out a few ideas.


Do you have both webcams plugged in at the same time? What happens if you only have one plugged in? What if you connect the second one after the first is running?


Are you plugging the faster one into a USB3 port?


A driver issue perhaps? Have you updated it?




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I have tryed one by one, all webcams together and with 2.0 and 3.0 USB ports.

In all of case webcam n°1 is ok and 2nd webcam not ok (always 30fps only).



The drivers are the same (in attachment).




An other idea ?


Julien V.


[LabVIEW Programming]


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