11-16-2010 11:07 AM
I cannot get vision builder to go beyond the initial splash screen. Tried using either the computer or target.
11-18-2010 12:43 PM
Can you give us some information about your system, OS, version of Vision Builder...
could you also tell us whether the Vision Builder ever worked on your computer? or is it behaving this way right after installation?
11-19-2010 08:23 AM
Thanks for the attention. Was using an older version of builder (3.6) that wasn't compatible with Windows 7. Upgrading to 2010 solved problem.
08-15-2013 12:25 AM
Hi Guy,
I had this problem also, when I initially openning VBI2011. It still showing on the splash screen a several (15-30 minute) then it can going to program page.
Before one month ago it ever normal, is just 1-2 minute wait then can go to program page. Then I not used till this week, it happening like something missing or searching some driver. I did reset data config on Max but still issue.
Is there any solution can fix this problem? i can't wait for long time.
Thank in advance for your help.
08-15-2013 05:00 PM
When you say that something like missing drivers are occurring, what indication do you have for thinking this may be occurring? Do you get an error? What versions of NI-IMAQ or NI-IMAQdx drivers are you using? You can find this under the software tree in Measurement and Automation Explorer. You could also try running a Repair of VBAI.
You might consider posting in the Machine Vision forums on a new thread since this thread is 3 years old. The new thread will be seen by more people and will give the community a better opportunity to help you troubleshoot.