11-20-2009 01:51 PM
I am going to be developing an application which includes 2 Flit A325 cameras (GigE). The plan is to have one computer connected to the cameras with that camera computer sending messages via datasocket to the stand computer, which will have other DAQ connected to it.
What are the extra software pieces (besides regular LabVIEW) I will need on the camera computer? IMAQdx? Vision Module or toolkit? I don't need automated inspection stuff.
11-24-2009 06:45 AM
Hello John,
If you only need to acquire images from these cameras, you would just need the Vision Acquisition Software. This will provide you the NI-IMAQdx driver to take care of image acquisition from GigE cameras. If you need to do any image processing as well, such as thresholding or pattern matching, you would need the Vision Development Module.
To send images over DataSocket, you can flatten the image to a string for it to be sent to the second computer, and then unflatten it on the other end. The following knowledgebase article has information on this: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/70A5D11517DBA50C86256E6A0070E5A7?OpenDocument . I hope this helps!
11-18-2010 08:51 AM
I, too, have FLIR A325 via GigE. The connection between vendor's software: ExaminIR, FLIR IR Monitor, and FLIR IR camera and they all work. But when I use NI-IMAQdx in MAX program and it lists NI-IMAQdx with cam0: FLIR Systems AB PT100ST-FLR1 and it has red x mark on it. I tried to click on it and it kept giving me IMAQ Error: Error 0xBFF69011 Unable to get attribute.. I already set NIC at subnet mask at in LAN mode and it auto-picked camera address as I am using windows 7. How can I solve that error problem so I can go ahead and develop labview algorithm for it? Thanks.
02-11-2013 03:50 PM
Did you get this resolved? Ii have the exact same problem. Windows 7, NI 8235 card, and 2 FLIR A35 cameras. Cameras work fine with other GigE software supplied by FLIR.
07-29-2013 12:28 PM
Sometime FLIR Cameras have an incorrect value set for one of their registers. Best way to solve this is to download the eBUS SDK from Pleora.com, it's a free download. you only need to register with the website. Use their GEV player and select your camera. Then select Camera Device control, and if there is a bad register you should see a red X at the top of the window. IF so scroll down until you see the bad regiter value and correct it. Make sure you save the setting onto a User Set and have the camera load that specific user set at reboot.