06-10-2019 09:42 AM
I have basler ace gigE camera, NI CVS 1458 RT, PC. Images from camera are available using NI MAX or other NI software. Is there a way to acquire images from cam (connected to NI CVS) on PC without NI MAX and NI software? For example, by using python or C++.
06-10-2019 12:16 PM
What is it that you're trying to achieve? What exactly do you mean by without NI software? I am assuming you will have to use a host PC to install some software to the 1458 to get things up and running. NI-IMAQdx is the driver for GigE cameras that you'll want to be sure to install. Then there's a C API you can use to talk to the camera. Your application would need to be running locally on the 1458 though, as there is no functionality in the IMAQdx API for communicating with remote targets/cameras.
On your host machine where you've downloaded VAS, you can find examples of that here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-IMAQdx\Examples\MSVC and the documentation here: C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\NI-IMAQdx\Help\NIIMAQdx_Function_Reference.chm.
If NI-IMAQdx is included in NI software you don't want to use, you'd need some other third party driver to sit between your application and the network stack to implement the GigE Vision protocol.
Hope this helps,