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basler A312fc camera shutter settings

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I am in a bit of trouble with modifying the Basler A312fc camera shutter settings.


The problem is that it seems it is not possible to change the Shutter Time Base Value using NI MAX (4.5) and NI drivers, though Basler's own software is able to do it. Is it possible to access the parameter with MAX somehow? 


When I changed the STB value with Basler software it worked well in test mode, but when I run MAX, first the driver does not work and when I choose NI drivers I guess it overwrites the values.


At the moment the vision application should be done in VBAI so LabView functionality is a bit restricted. Is there maybe a version of IMAQ software that has the STB value settings in it?


Software we have:

NI-IMAQ for 1394 2.0.5

NI-IMAQdx 3.2

VBAI 3.6


All the best,


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6
Accepted by topic author Juurma

Hello MJ,


Are you currently using NI-IMAQ for 1394 or NI-IMAQdx? Are you able to see any camera/shutter attributes in MAX? These attributes and there values/ranges are read directly in from the camera however, sometimes the attributes do not show up in MAX and typically, those attributes are not a part of DCAM compliance. MAX and IMAQ 1394 driver only access DCAM specific features. You can, however, write/read from other registeres on the camera by using "IMAQ1394 Write Registers" and "IMAQ1394 Read Registers" in LabVIEW. I would suggest reading Appendix A of the NI-IMAQ for IEEE1394 Cameras User Manual where it covers registry level programming.


Andy Chang
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 6

Hi Andy!


I am using NI-IMAQ IEEE 1394 drivers (IMAQdx works also), but the necessary parameter is not displayed. I can change the settings of the camera with MAX and I guess you are rigth about the DCAM compliance. The Shutter Time Base value is in Basler Smart Features list so, probably it is not standard DCAM parameter.

I will look into the register programming and let you know how it went.


Thanks for the help!



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hi again!


For the feedback, I managed to change the camera settings using register-level programming as Andy recommended. It works just fine.


As for the Basler A312fc camera, to change the shutter time base value you have to:


1) calculate the feature base address from the Basler GUID (there is an example in the user's manual).

2) Using the IMAQ write (I used IMAQdx Write to enable the STB feature and overwrite the default time base value.


That's it! Thanks alot Andy!


Best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Hi MJ and Andy,


I'm trying to do this exact same thing with a Basler A631fc camera. I'm new to registries and am struggling to use the IMAQdx write function. Mainly I'm uncertain how to convert the GUID for the feature of interest (Shutter time base) into a unsigned 32-bit integer to input into the IMAQdx write 


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Message 5 of 6

Hi Michael,


In order to get the most visibility for your post I would recommend creating a new post (feel free to attach the link to this one). In addition to gaining more visibility starting a new thread rather than posting on a thread that has been inactive for multiple years is also be in accordance with the guidelines recommended (


In the meantime I would recommend referring to to the camera documentation for information about camera-specific register ranges Using the Property Node Properties >> Camera Information >> Base Address should provide the base address for the camera.


I hope this helps. Have a great day!


- Kale

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Message 6 of 6