I'm trying to create an avi media, but the created file displays only black.
Below, what I did is written.
First, the camera (intel realsense435) which is connected to the cRio 9049 grabs the RBG image.
Then, the image is sent to the FPGA and converted to a binary image, and comes back to the host machine.
Now, I can see the binary image on the front screen of my HOST.vi with the binary pallet.
However, when I try to create an avi file by IMAQ AVI2 Write Frame VI, the avi is created but no image is contained.
Maybe, the binary image is not suited for the avi, but I don't know how to convert the binary to good one.
I attached my project tree and HOST and FPGA vi on this thread.
Please give me your knowledge if you have some idea.
Best regard