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microsoft compiler versionst

What Microsoft complier (C#) versions does the Vision Acquisition (IMAQ) support (2008, 2010)?


What .NET versions does the Vision Acquisition (IMAQ) support (3.5, 4.0)?


What Microsoft compiler (C#) versions does the Vision Development Module support (2008, 2010)?


What .NET versions does the Vision Delopment Module support (3.5, 4.0)?


I am assuming the latest NI software versions posted. I found all this information posted in the readme file for NI-DAQmx but not for these products.




John A. Lively
NDE Engineer
Pratt & Whitney
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Hi John,


As stated in the NI Vision Acquisition Software (VAS) and Vision Development Module (VDM) Release Notes for 2011 (included in the installations), only the Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2005 and 2008 enviroments are supported. Like LabVIEW, VAS and VDM support .Net 3.5 and do not officially support 4.0.


Hope this helps,






Allison M.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Do the Vision Acquisition and Vision Development SDKs support Win 7 64bit? From the documentation the answer looks like no?


Is there any chance that these SDKs will support Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0 this year?.

John A. Lively
NDE Engineer
Pratt & Whitney
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hi John,


You are correct. As mentioned in the Known Issues of the Vision Development Module, "there is no 64-bit Vision API for C or .NET." Information has not been released on whether the SDKs will support VS 2010 or .NET 4.0 this year.



Allison M.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6


What issues would we have if using the the Microsoft 2010 compiler? With the SDKs we could only compile .Net 3.5 or less. I assume the integrated help would not work because of the compiler version? I assume this issue has come up before with previous compiler and .Net versions since the SDKs are alway behind the OS and compilers. 

John A. Lively
NDE Engineer
Pratt & Whitney
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hi John,


Again since 2010 is not supported by National Instruments, it is hard to say what potential issues you might run into. I would definitely take a look at this article which describes issues creating applications from 64-bit operating systems. 



Allison M.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6