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pattern matching template information

I'am using the Labview Vision Assistant(VA) to recognize objects in a workshop for students. Recognize objects is done by the in the VA's Pattern Matching function. The pattern is matched by a template file on the computer, specified in the Template Path field of the Pattern Matching function. The Pattern Matching field specifies an absolute path. Porting the Labview project, including all VI's and template files to an other computer location causes the problem that the template files are not found. So, is there a workaround to use relative path's for the template files containing the match patterns.


Kind Regards,,


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Message 1 of 7

Hello Gerard,


Thanks for the info, indeed absolute paths can cause this kind of issue when a VI is moved to other system.

As you have mentioned a relative path solves it : )!


Let me know if you got it working!




Applications Engineer


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Sorry Natalia,


this does not work in the Vision Assistant, because making scrips in the Vision Assistant takes not place in the running mode of a Labview program.


Kind Regard,



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Hey Gerard,


Are there any errors occurring on the client computer? Could you post error number + message? 


Kind Regards,



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Message 4 of 7


Hello Natalia,

There is no error number, see the message box in the picture. The project in for this template has been moved to an other place on the computer, so the template file cannot be found.


Kind Regards,







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Message 5 of 7

Hello Gerard,


I have done search on the message you get, could you tell me what version of VA and LV you have and what is the version on the other PCS?

Could you tell me more regarding the absolute path being a problem? Where is it being set to absolute path? Is it on the LV or vision side?

Does specifying new template by pressing the new button and pointing the program to the right direction makes it work? Or do you still the same/ any new messages popping up? 




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Message 6 of 7
as I know VA scrip do not have such ability
maybe saving template in c drive and copy template for this drive in new system solve the problem but VA paths are absolute
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Message 7 of 7