05-17-2012 02:48 PM
I've got a Point Grey Gazelle, camera link, in bulb shuttered trigger mode using a pulse generated at CC1. Everything works fine so far. I've been taking software-triggered sequence acquisition with:
The sequence proceeds fine, and finishes. Now, I need to use the card's SMB input to start the acquisition. I added a step:
I apply a 5V trigger, and it never starts! imgSessionStatus() always tells me I'm on frame -1. What's frustrating is that if I read the signal using
imgSessionTriggerRead2(sId, IMG_SIGNAL_EXTERNAL, 0, IMG_TRIG_POLAR_ACTIVEH, &status);
I can see it flip between 0 and 1 when I apply the pulse, but the acquisition still never starts.
I think I might be applying things in the wrong order, or perhaps I have a routing conflict. Any help anyone has would be greatly appreciated!
05-17-2012 03:16 PM
Whoops - sorry about the double post. In any case, I finally figured this out after banging my head for a couple of days. I wasn't watching my errors closely enough; I needed to set up the trigger BEFORE calling imgSequenceSetup, otherwise I was getting the dreaded "buffer size used is too small for minimum acquisition frame". Works like a charm, now.