03-02-2023 02:57 PM
Hey Everyone,
Not sure if this is the right spot for this post, so please point me in the right direction if it isn't. I'm trying to use a hall effect sensor to measure rotation, but currently, I'm just trying to get a voltage change in the presence of a magnetic. All I can see happening in LabVIEW is the voltage starting around 6 volts and just going down. I'm really not sure what's up.
03-02-2023 03:14 PM
Please share exact circuit diagram of connection between DAQ and Hall effect senor.
03-02-2023 05:44 PM
Thanks for the quick reply. I've attached some images below, I'll try to explain each one.
Here's a top view of everything. On the right is the sensor screwed in, and the cylinder across from it has a magnet taped to it. The rod rotates, so I was trying to see a voltage change when I rotate it.
Side view of the circuit
showing the connection between the daq and circuit
I used this circuit as a base for what I did with the sensor, I used this in a lab a few months back. In my case, Rt is the sensor, there is no ai0, just a single ai1 from the output.
What led me to this point is before I just had power, ground, and input connected to the sensor with nothing else. In that case, it would start at 2 and just decrease. This circuit was me trying to fix that