08-02-2017 11:43 AM
I was under the impression that with the NI-9237 card I would be able to both excite and measure my Honeywell Pressure transducers. The excitation is working well, but the analog voltage measurement seems to be capped at 25 mV as it is meant to measure bridge based sensors returning mV/V as opposed to a transducer returning 0.5V-4.5V. I'm just looking to make sure I cannot measure a 0.5V-4.5V signal using my NI-9237 card before I try any more messy solutions.
Thank you,
David Mortin
08-03-2017 05:00 PM
Hi David.Mort,
You are correct that the Analog Input Voltage measurement is capped at +- mV/V. This is further clarified by the "Typical Input Range" spec towards the top of page 9 of the NI-9237 Datasheet.
Will this work for your application?
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
11-28-2017 04:58 AM
I just want to clarify that the input range of +/- 25mV/V is the MAX value that can be input to the NI 9237?
If so, then I have a load cell that has an output range of 1mV/V. I should be able to acquire these signals using the NI 9237, correct?
Thank you