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How do I configure the USB-6501 DIO ports as push-pull?

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I am using this code in my Visual C# application to write digital outputs on the USB-6501 after adding NationalInstruments.Common and NationalInstruments.DAQmx as References:


using NationalInstruments.DAQmx;


private static void writeport(int value)
        using (Task digitalWriteTask = new Task())
            digitalWriteTask.DOChannels.CreateChannel("Dev1/port2", "MyPort", ChannelLineGrouping.OneChannelForAllLines);


            DigitalSingleChannelWriter writer = new DigitalSingleChannelWriter(digitalWriteTask.Stream);
            writer.WriteSingleSamplePort(true, value);
    catch (Exception ex)


I want to configure the USB-6501 DIO ports as push-pull. What is the syntax for doing this and will the USB-6501 retain that configuration after power cycling it?


I found this documentation on the NI website:


I see that DAQmxSetDOOutputDriveType() can be used to set the drive type to DAQmx_Val_ActiveDrive but I don't know how to access this API from C#. Any suggestions?


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Somehow your post is exactly the same except for the difference in language -


There is  a property to set that in DAQmx in .NET



This documentation is available under C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Documentation if you have installed DAQmx support for .NET


I don't think the value of this property will persist on power cycle, as a safe bet, always set this property on creating the task.



Soliton Technologies

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Accepted by topic author scottmorgan

Thank you for the response. Here is the solution in practice and it works!

DOChannel ch = digitalWriteTask.DOChannels.CreateChannel("Dev1/port1", "MyPort", ChannelLineGrouping.OneChannelForAllLines);
ch.OutputDriveType = DOOutputDriveType.ActiveDrive;


We also have removed all of the weak pull-up resistors from the USB-6501 so that the outputs don't automatically powerup high when the board powers up.



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