Measurement Studio for VC++

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Drivers for USB 6001

Its Working


Last bit was installing newer NI stuff


Thanks everyone


So what I have, for anyone who comes across this. I first installed NIMax from a driver set that I had "NI Drivers 2015.04" then installed more NI stuff from here:

clicked download then waiting for it to download, clicked the "ni-daqmx_23.8_online.exe" and clicked next and agree (also made sure I selected "NI-DAQmx cDAQ Firmware" at the Aditional items screen)


Then the C compiling issues, I got a newer version of GCC from:


The compile command I'm using is:

> SET "var=NIUSB6001_AnalogIn"

> gcc.exe -D System=3 -c "%var%.c" -o "%var%.o" && gcc.exe -o "%var%.exe" "%var%.o" -Wall "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\ExternalCompilerSupport\C\lib64\msvc\NIDAQmx.lib" && del "%var%.o"


then run with



In the C code I link the .h file with:

#include <C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\ExternalCompilerSupport\C\include\NIDAQmx.h>



Thanks again everyone

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