09-03-2013 06:43 AM
Hi all,
Several questions:
(1) Is there a way to get the NumCameraTaps, as given in the camera configuration file, from software? I have checked the documentation, and did not find a direct function to get it, and I also don't find it back in the list of parameters you can query using imgGetAttribute().
(2) Additionally, is there a way to set the parameter from software?
(3) Is it possible, again from software, to set the camera configuration file, like you would do using the MAX software package?
Best regards,
09-10-2013 10:12 AM
Hi Bart,
From software, you can access two kind of attributes: general non camera specific attributes and camera specific attributes.
With imgGetAttribute(), you can acces general attributes.
With imgGetCameraAttributesString() and imgGetCameraAttributesNumeric(), you can access the camera specific attributes which are defined in the camera files.
"NumCameraTaps" is not an attribute, but a parameter inside the camera file. So it is not directly available by software. However, depending on the camera you use, it can be defined by an attribute, like the Bit Depth for example, so getting the Bit Depth will give you a hint on the number of taps (you have to look in the camera file for this).
You cannot set the "NumCameraTaps" parameter by software neither. Usually, the number of taps that your camera is using has an impact on a lot of parameters of the camera file. So, it is absolutely not recommanded to modify the "NumCameraTaps" parameter alone. Then, if you want to change this parameter, it is better to change the whole camera file with the proper configuration for the number of taps you want to use.
Changing the camera file is possible from software. It is explained here --> http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/CCC5BB5990AA416786256C23006E687C?OpenDocument
It is a LabVIEW example, but you can implement it in VC++.
Kind regards,
09-10-2013 11:40 AM
Thanks Cedric! That was a useful post!
I didn't think of changing the interface file directly. I assume that I have to close any existing interface and session, and reopen them, in order for the changes to be accepted, right?
09-11-2013 03:45 AM
Hi Bart,
Correct, you have to reopen interface and session!
Kind regards,