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how to set DLLImport for the NI845x.dll ? Calls dont work

Have the NI USB8452 DIO/SPI/I2C box.  Example code in labview and C


My app is C sharp 8.0 winforms



Unmanaged C will not run in C# since its a managed environment.  The workaround is to use DLLImport

Find Device?  works 



int x = ni845xFindDevice(FirstDevice, out device, out numdevices);





[DllImport("Ni845x.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern Int32 ni845xFindDevice(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] firstDevice,
out NiHandle findDeviceHandle,
out UInt32 numberFound


most other calls do not work, it does not send anything out.  Taking a script that runs and putting the statements into this C# app there is no output from the NI 845x unit.


Someone must have made this dll wrapper for C# at some point?

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