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nivision.* library functions

Hi all,


I am working on a project that involves the use of the VI of IMAQ Object Tracking Options. I would like to know the details of this VI, so I double-click the VI to get the IMAQ Mean Shift Options Panel. When I look into this panel, it involves the use of a Call Library Function, which calls the function named LV_SetMeanShiftOptions whose library name or path is nivision.*.


I wonder if it is possible for me to know the details of the function LV_SetMeanShiftOptions and other functions in nivision.*, or are these functions in nivision.* completely confidential and unaccessable by users?


Thanks very much.


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Unfortunately diving any deeper is restricted by NI. If there are any specifics about the IMAQ VI that you would like to know, it may be worth posting to the Machine Vision forum or the LabVIEW forum. 

Rob S
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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