Minneapolis LabVIEW User Group

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NI Training Roadmap

2022 is here.


Do your employees have the training they need to be successful?


Hopefully, your organization has already started planning NI training for your employees so they can be more successful in their work. Now that your teams are doing more of their work remotely and on their own, it’s critical that each employee learns the fundamental skills and best practices of writing good LabVIEW code so they have a better chance of successfully helping your company meet its objectives.


At Radius Teknologies, LLC, we provide the high-quality onsite and virtual training your employees need to be successful. Over the years, we have helped thousands of people learn LabVIEW and other NI software - and we want to help you too!


Check out our free six-day email series “5 Mistakes to Avoid When Training Your Employees”. This email series identifies common pitfalls that lead to reduced training effectiveness and wasted money – so you can avoid them.



As an added bonus, when we send you the last email in the series, we’ll also send you our NI Training Roadmap. Our NI Training Roadmap puts all of the information you need about NI training at your fingertips to help you select the best training path for your team.

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