Hi I am using a NI PXI-7352 with a UMI-7764 connected to a Kollmorgen P5000 Stepper drive Get datasheet here http://www.kollmorgen.com/en-us/products/drives/stepper/p5000-series/p5000-stepper-drive/
I have all the connections hooked up like so
P5000 UMI-7764
UMI active states switches are both set to Active Low.
The P5000 is disabled when a +5VDC signal is sent to the DISABLE IN line and 1 second after going LOW the drive is enabled. (not the best way to do things because if the PXI Chassis is turned off the drive becomes enabled)
When the drive faults the output goes LOW.
So my issue is that when the drive is disabled the fault goes LOW which seems to put my UMI into a continuously triggered on/off state. The drive LED flickers Green Red Green Red... and makes a high frequency noise that doesnt sound good. Can I use the Write Motion I/O Data.flx VI to configure this to work? Thanks let me know if anymore information is needed.