07-11-2018 11:03 AM
I am having trouble figuring out how to create a code what will ultimately control 3 step motors which will be in a xyz configuration. I would really appreciate any help. I will also be using a TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver along with the step motor. The driver has a power input from 9 to 42V DC. I am currently using LabVIEW 2018 (32-Bit) as well.
I primary concern is developing a code to control the power input and time, but mainly power input, of the step motor.
I am fairly new to LabView and unexprienced so if anyone could possibly provide insight on how I should tackle this, link other resources, or provide a solution, I would be extremely grateful.
Thank you.
07-12-2018 05:05 PM
How are you connected to the drives/motors? Are you using NI SoftMotion?
NI SoftMotion Module allows you to build custom motion systems using LabVIEW with National Instruments hardware. You can visit the links below for some more information.
SoftMotion Getting Started Guide
LabVIEW NI SoftMotion Module
Anson K
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
07-13-2018 02:23 PM
Thank you so much for your reply.
I have installed the Softmotion module and tried working with it but I have been tasked to solely use DAQ in combination with Labview to control the step motors.
I am trying to figure out how to code a control for a XYZ motion. For now, I am focusing on at least figuring out how to code for one of the step motors.
If you have any advice, I'd be so grateful.
03:10 PM
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03:14 PM
I am Ahmet Gümüş and I am a student in Turkey. I have an assignment too. I am trying to rotate a Nema model stepper motor with a TB6600 driver and labview. We're trying to do what's in the picture below. But I couldn't. There are also many examples with Easy driver on the Internet, but I couldn't adapt them for the TB6600 either. Would you share such a labview schema with me if you have it? I would be very happy if you could help. In advance, thank you very much.
Ahmet Gümüş