03-06-2016 05:32 AM
Hello All,
I am stuck at interface between UMI and Motor driver, it will be great if you could guide me through,
I am using,
Motion control : PCI 7342
Universal Motor Interface : UMI 7772
Servomotor Driver : Mitsubishi MR-JE-10A (User Manual)
How to connect UMI to servomotor driver?
After going through user manual of both, I could only guess following pins, I am really confused about the CW and CCW signals (Please refer page of Motor Driver User Manual 59)
UMI7772's Control Pins Motor Driver 'MR-JE-10A' Pins
Pin1: Analog Output ---------> Pin CN1-2: VC (Analog speed Command)
Pin4: Step (CW) ----------> ???
Pin6: Enable ---------> Pin CN1-15: SON (Servo On)
Pin12: Dir (CCW) ---------> ???
Is there any pin that I am missing?
Thank you for your support.
03-07-2016 02:22 AM
Suggest please.
Thank you.