Motion Control and Motor Drives

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PID control of DC motor using NI USB DAQ 6221

I am Using NI USB 6221  DAQ  device,i need to do PID control of DC motor i.e both speed and angle measrement,what kind of drivers circuits  are compatable with DAQ devices,please post me some driver circuits if any for control of  DC motors.

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Message 1 of 6

Using a data acquisition device is not the best way for motion applications. There is a whole range of motion contollers and drives which help you control stepper and servo motors with digital and analog feedback for speed and angle measurements. Your data acquisition device can only acquire and generate I/O within its permitted operational voltage range. The rest of control has to be implemented in software on your PC. 

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Message 2 of 6

I am designing  my PID controller in Labview,and i am using NI USB 6221 DAQ device for controlling of motor and for giving feedback  like motor speed to PC,now i think we need to connect a driver circuit in between DAQ and motor as we cannot connect DC motor directly to DAQ,now please suggest me  any driver circuit which is compatible to DAQ,i am using a basic DC motor.please post me if there are any driver vircuits or IC's .

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Message 3 of 6

Are you looking at ready-made driver circuits? I don't have much idea about that. But if you are designing your own circuit, you can go forward and do it just that you need to take care of some specifications like operational voltage ranges, current driven, impedance, etc. If your circuit conforms to the specifications, I don't see a problem in achieving your objective.

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Message 4 of 6

I am totally new and need to control a motor which is attached to a spring using PID or LQR. The motor attachment to a spring allows us to vary the stiffness of the spring thus making it an absorber. By placing the absorber configuration on a three story building we hope to reduce the vibration of the floors of the building. I already attached a sensor to the third floor of the building and another one to the mass of the absorber. By varying this two (adding or subtracting it) I hope to get a single output which the PID or LQR will work on to send a signal to a d.c motor and sequentially turned it clockwise or anticlockwise.

Please I dont mind being taught how to go about this step by step. Kindly assist if you can. Thanks

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Message 5 of 6

Hi osmosis,


There are quite a few NI products which can help you in your solution. Please see the following links. There is a tutorial which shows how to use the myDAQ or ELVIS II to adjust the speed of a DC motor with PID control in LabVIEW. A



NI Labview and PID


Feel free to let us know if you need to know anything more.


Krishna Prasad


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Message 6 of 6