02-22-2006 06:13 AM
03-02-2006 01:56 AM
Hey Jacouille,
Unfortunately we do not have a driver available for the card that you are using. Maybe the link below can provide you with more information if you decide to develop your driver yourself.
Wouter, AE
National Instruments
04-27-2008 08:41 AM
04-27-2008 09:37 AM
Usually TMC modules do not require special drivers.
If any driver is required, then it is just for the communicaton line (RS232/485, USB, or CAN).
Currently it is Future Domain (FTDI).
I recommend downloading the virtual COM driver from FTDI. In theory it provies no real drawback compared to direct USB drivers.
The advantage is that it provides compatibility with software, which recognizes only serial ports.
The software still may need adaptation, because some modules, like TMCM610, have a special format (more complex) of data for USB.
Other modules may work in their USB version the same way as in COM (serial).
A DLL my be considered a driver. It is an abbreviation for Dynamic Link Library - a programmatic collection of functions.
I offer my DLL (see my previous message). Trinamic offers their's. My
DLL is advanced. It may actually replace your whole program.
A DLL from Trinamic simply wraps one function (or a couple of functions) into another. Hence the name - a Wrapper DLL.
My DLL still provides a degree of wrapping as well. And it is
customizable. Just it comes at some extra price, with full my support -
an unlimited support on all matters Trinamic, and even beyond.
The distinction between a driver and a library (DLL) is subtle.
It basically pertains to permissions a user has when running them.
A DLL acts as part of a user software (it loads into user memory space).
A driver is provided by the system. It may allow access to resources of a computer, or adapters, which are not accessible otherwise.
If we are talking about Windows, then in versions 95 and 98 you could have a DLL in many situations.
In Windows NT/2000/XP and the rest of latest versions, drivers are required in most cases.
In fact, as I mentioned, an RS232 driver is readily available on any
OS. That's how you are able to access the port sometimes without even
knowing you have a driver.
09-16-2016 10:03 AM
I am trying to use TMCM-3110 for closed loop control Ludl SL50. I also need a position sinchronized trigger. Do you know if it is possible (may be different firmware?)