Motion Control and Motor Drives

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control of a phytron BD 300

Hello !
I' m Emmanuel. I'm a french student currently in internship. I need to control a miror who can move in two direction. There are two motors (stepper I think) with a console or a power box.
It's a Phytron BD 300.
I understand that I cannot use my box without a PC and a software. And I don't have the soft. I need to use Labview.
I know how to use Labview, but I don't have the driver for the control of the motors.
At this time I have got just a demo version of Labview 8.5 because my boss just wants to buy it if it works. 
Someone knows where I can found the drivers of Phytron ? How can I do without them ?
Thanks a lot.
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Message 1 of 5

could you please provide some more information about the motor and the power box (drive)? Could you post the datasheets? Do you know what type of interface the drive is using? Is this a standard interface like RS232 or a fieldbus or does the drive expect digital input signals (e. g. step and direction signals)?

Thanks and kind regards,

Jochen Klier
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 5
Thanks for your answer !
This is an home made montage ! But the power box is something someone have bought, I think, I'm not sure ! It's use for control the motor !!! All of this work but in analogic.
I don't have the datasheet because it's too old and I think that's not my compagny who buy it ! (difficult I know)
But I can see that there is two possibility for controling this box : with a parallel port (2) (for printer, GPIB I think ???) or with this one : but I don't have this port ! (1)
The motors see to be the BD 300 ones.
It's all that I know !
(1) I ve got the cable who change this big port in the one on the motion controller
(3) use for know the end of the motion (position sensors ?)
(4) ???
(5) power of motors
(6) 240 V or 120V
7) Power of course !
Thanks a lot for your time and your answers !
I really need your help !
Sorry for my bad English !
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Message 3 of 5

Without documentation for your drive box it's nearly impossible to tell how this thing is supposed to work. There are probably inputs for step and direction signals, encoder signals and limit switch, E-Stop and enable/inhibit signals. The box was probably designed to be used with a specific motion control unit, but I really can't say more about that.

If you can't find more information, it's probably the best to scrap the box and use the motors with a new motion controller and drive. If this is an option for you, please find the specs for your motor (which shouldn't be too hard, as there is probably a type label on the motor, which should provide enough information to search for the specs at the Phytron's website). A possible solution from NI could look like this:

1 x PCI-7332
1 x MID-7602 
1 x SHC68-C68S cable

This solution integrates very easy into LabVIEW. Especially for the drive there are also other options, but it depends on the motor specs, which option you should choose.
Please don't misunderstand this suggestion as a clumsy sales trick, but analyzing an unknown piece of electronic can become extremely tedious and time consuming.

Kind regards,


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Message 4 of 5
Thanks a lot for your answer.

I don't work today, but I think I'm going to open the box friday. I will give you more information but  I don't think my boss can buy a new control card because he is not really rich.

Thanks !

Sincerely your !

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Message 5 of 5