Multifunction DAQ

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1 sample on demand daq/chart strain full bridge sensor

Any ideas why '1 sample on demand' gives so many errors using Signal Express on simple analog input ?  It would be nice to choose this option, run continuously, and have the data view act as a simple strip chart. 

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Message 1 of 5

Hi, Tom.


I have a couple of questions:

1.  What data acquisition device are you using? 

2.  What specific error code(s) are you receiving?


I hope you're having a great day!


Sara Lewandroski
Applications Engineer | National Instruments
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Message 2 of 5
Thanks for your input - I'm using CompacDaq 9137 modules and Honeywell pressure sensors ( not transducers ).  The 9137's are in full bridge mode as required by the sensors.  The error is ( sorry I don't have it right in front of me ) basically that 1 sample on demand is not supported by this configuration.  However, the other two modes ( continuous and N Samples ) work fine.  What I really want to do is just sample 1 on demand and have the data view act as a simple strip chart.  We all find that Signal Express is cumbersome and not very intuitive.  We were hoping to just do this quick-n-dirty in Signal Express, but can always go right to LabVIEW, as we're well experienced there.
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Message 3 of 5



I assume you mean you are using the 9237.   You are correct that this device does not a support a single sample read.   This is not because of SignalExpress, however.   The 9237 has a delta-sigma ADC that continuously samples with an oversample clock and has a built in integrator circuit that produces the measurement that is returned through software.   The closest to single point you could get in your application would be to take a 2 point finite measurement and throw away one of your data points.   That should be trivial to do in LabVIEW, but not so easy in SE.


Hope that helps,


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Message 4 of 5
Thanks Dan, kind sir... that answers my question.  And oops - yep, I did mean 9237.  It's funny - no matter what I seem to do ( I've been using LabVIEW for nearly 15 years heavily ) I always seem to be the one who runs into these dang quirks !  I'm always at a loss for words - how come something that should be so simple is causing me problems ?!?!  Anyway, thanks for the info.  I'll stick to ol' reliable LabVIEW.
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Message 5 of 5