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4461 says Error -50400

My 4461 suddenly stopped reacting from the LabView application (two different versions of SoundCheck from Listen Inc.).


After doing the usual (rebooting PC, updating drivers and moving to different slot on PC's mother board) it still doesn't work.

When I try to reset or do any other operation from the Measurements & Automation sw, all I get is a message that the Self Test/Reset/... failed, Erros -50400 occurred at Self Test/Reset/... The list of possible reasons is empty.


Anybody got a clue?

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This error(-50400 on 446x devices) is a generic error, however it usually indicates that the board cannot communicate with the onboard FPGA.  If the board cannot communicate with the FPGA it will not function.


Here are some steps you kan try:

  1. Reinstall the device driver in the device manager (you don’t need to reinstall DAQmx) by deleting the device and letting the operating system re-detect the hardware (Action>> Scan for New Devices in the Windows Device manager).
  2. Self-test and Reset the device in MAX—if the board is still not functioning it will throw the error here.
  3. Try the device in different PXI/PCI slots.

It seems that you already have tried all three steps and still seeing this problem, so please contact your local NI branch office and get this board RMA'ed.



Message Edited by Morini on 12-09-2009 09:03 AM
Dennis Morini
District Sales Manager
National Instruments Denmark
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Did you resolve your issue?


We have one PXI-4461, eighty six PXI-4462, all are currently involved in a recall.


Did you receive a "Long-Term Fuse Reliability" recall letter from NI?


It mentions errors "-50400, -200313, -200550, and -239022". 


Also, in MAX, affected cards, with a blown fuse, will fail the

"Device Reset" from the test panel and report to you error "-223022".


Apparently affected boards, after 18 to 24 months of continual use, will blow their fuse. 




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Message 3 of 5

After consulting with NI we ended up sending in the card for repair: For 35% the price of a new card, they changed the fuse.

The upside is that shortly after another card god the same error and we could fix it ourselves.

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Message 4 of 5

Please see the following KB for more information on these error codes:

What do Error Codes -50400 and -223022 Mean on NI 446X Devices?


Thank you,

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