01-04-2012 07:07 AM
6361 DAC in Finite State sending real information in transmiter buffer 100K samples, the error: "An unhandled Win32 exaption occurred in MultVolt...c"
01-05-2012 04:06 PM
Hi Sea-vain,
Could you please provide some more information on the error you're experiencing? Is there an error code? A screenshot would also be very helpful. Thanks!
01-18-2012 07:46 AM
01-19-2012 05:32 PM
Hello Sea-vain,
Thanks for the reply, I am currently looking into this issue. Could you please post screen shots of the error you are getting.
01-19-2012 11:08 PM
01-20-2012 05:10 PM
Hello Sea-vain,
Could you please post your code and screenshots of your error messages, thanks
01-23-2012 05:02 AM
Please, send me your e-mail as I did not manage to attach the requested information from the forum
01-23-2012 05:17 AM
Please, review the attachments
01-23-2012 05:26 AM
01-24-2012 04:08 PM
Hello Sea-vain,
Thanks for the update, I am currently looking through the files you uploaded.