Multifunction DAQ

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AI, DO, TC with single DAQ

Hello everybody,

for a project I am developing I need to do the following:

- acquire analog inputs from pressure transducers (4x)

- send digital outputs to control solenoid valves (2x)

- acquire temperature data, with thermocouples type K (1-10x)


I have at my availability a NI USB 6251 BNC, a cDAQ-9172 together with NI9201, NI9217, NI9472 and a NI USB-6211.

I am quite new to NI hardware and I get into many troubles with unknown topics and names while searching in the forum and on the internet in general. Anyway, from what I understood the problem with each of these DAQ is the interface with the TCs.


Could you provide some hints how I could tackle this problem? I read that it would be possible to interface the TC to the 6211 adding an additional temperature measurement to refer to for the CJC reference. How would that work? Also, in case I want to use the cDAQ with the 9201, 9472 which other DAQ would you recommend for thermocouple interface?

Do you also confirm that the 6251 BNC is not compatible at all with TC?


Sorry for the many questions, I tried to concentrate all of them in a single topic. Thank you for any hint you would give.




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