03-12-2010 09:19 AM
I have a question about my 6259 USB daq card. From rading another threads it occured to me that it is impossible to acquire analogf signals at different sampling rate (at the same time). The question is how is it with digital channels - is it possible to have two tasks running at the same time but one for example with sampling rate 1 Hz and another 100 kHz ( so that 2nd task can be clocked from TimeBase clock 🙂 )
03-12-2010 09:55 AM
If you don't need precise correlation between your 100kHz lines and your 1 Hz line, you could use software timing to accomplish
approximately 1 Hz.
If you *do* need precise correlation, here's how I'd approach it: put all lines of interest in the 100 kHz task. Index out only 1 of
every 100,000 samples of the lines you want to sample at 1 Hz. There's a function called something like Decimate 1D Array you
can use, just be sure to set 'averaging=False'.