01-03-2014 04:01 AM
thanx brad, typical mistake...
for anyone with the same problem, here is the solution:
#include "nisyscfg.h"
NISysCfgEnumExpertHandle expertEnumHandle; NISysCfgSessionHandle sessionHandle; NISysCfgInitializeSession(NULL, NULL, NULL, NISysCfgLocaleGerman, NISysCfgBoolFalse, 0, &expertEnumHandle, &sessionHandle);
wxString cfgFilePath = wxGetCwd() + _("\\configData.nce");
char cstring[1024];
strncpy(cstring, (const char*)cfgFilePath.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 1023);
char *details[500];
NISysCfgStatus stat = NISysCfgImportConfiguration(sessionHandle, cstring, NULL,
NISysCfgImportMode::NISysCfgImportMergeItems, details);
01-03-2014 04:11 AM
it would be great if the .nce file was not needed. maybe sometime in the future.