Multifunction DAQ

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Can I use USB 6008 with Monitor UV-1 to record 10 mV DC?

Hi, I'm a Biologist so I don't have any idea about this kind of hardware. I work in a laboratory that has this monitor UV-1 device to measure absorbance at 254nm ( the output signal is a 10 mV DC signal (acording to the data sheet). In my previous lab we had this other one ISCO UA6 (, for this one, we have a USB 6008 to acquire the data, the specification sheet says that the output data is

0 to +-1 V +-1 % into 100K ohms or greater and 0 to +-10 V +-1 % into 1K ohms or greater. So I don't know if I can use this USB 6008 with the Monitor UV-1 device that I show you at the begining or if I need to look for another DAQ.


Best regards,


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Message 1 of 4

Yes, you can use the USB-6008 with such a device, but the results will not be very satisfactory.


The most sensitive range on the USB-6008 is +/-1 V. It has 12-bit resolution. So the smallest change in voltage which can be detected is 2/4096 = 0.49 mV. That means that you will get only about 20 steps between zero and full scale.


The absolute accuracy is 1.53 mV typical but 37.5 mV worst case over temperature.


If you have someone in your lab or in your technical support group who can build a simple amplifier with a gain of 100, that might be a better solution.



Message 2 of 4

20 or 2000? because if it can detects changes of 0.49 mV and the most sensitive range is +/-1 V (1000 mV). As I mention, I have used this device before and with the data I can represent very smooth curves

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Message 3 of 4

20.  The monitor produces a maximum output of 10 mV. So 10 mV/0.49 mV ~ 20 steps.  You would get 4096 steps if the signal filled the entire -1 V to +1 V range.



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Message 4 of 4