Multifunction DAQ

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CentOS 7 and PCI-6289 card: failed to initialize



we are running Linux CentOS 7 (3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64) with the PCI-6289 DAQ card. After instalation of LabVIEW 2015 and physical instalation of the card into the computer we ran the INSTALL script for the daqmxbase15.0.0. It popped some error that seems like some LabVIEW parts are newer than the driver parts (see file daqmxinstall.log). When trying lsdaq command we get the error failed to initialize
Perhaps you need to run updateNIDrivers
/usr/local/bin/mxbaseconfig: line 7: 4253 Aborted (core dumped) /etc/natinst/nidaqmxbase/bin/mxbaseconfiglv


It also happens with /usr/local/bin/mxbaseconfig utility. Some window pops up, just for a second and then it crashes with the same error. I have searched these forums here and found several threads about this error, so we tried some of the solutions


- we ran updateNIDrivers, it seems to proceed without any error

- we uninstalled and reinstalled the daqmxbase, several times with different modules included (with and without USB, with and without 64-bit). The LabVIEW conflict still remains in the installation.


The results are still the same error. It is also worth noting that LabVIEW 64-bit does contain the DAQmx Base palette, while its 32-bit version does not.


Attached are the log files from niSystemReport and rpm -qa|grep ^ni.


Any ideas what else can we try?


Best Regards



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Message 1 of 3

Hi Petr,


When you installed DAQmx did you also install the Run-Time for it?


It looks like some of the errors in the DAQmx Install log relate to it trying to install the Run-Time Engine when there is already an existing version of it. 


Best regards,

Joe P
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
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Message 2 of 3

Hi Joe,


thank you for your response.


Yes, we did install the Run-Time for it. Could that be the source of the error as well?


In the meantime I also tried to solve it by booting with the mem=4096MB boot parameter as it was suggested as a solution several times, but the error persists.


Best Regards



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