Multifunction DAQ

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Custom Scaling Error 200077

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I have a cDAQ-9188 chassis and seven modules. My VI consists of a DAQ-Assistant to acquire signals. With this I created a channel "Luftdrucksensor". For the Calibration I used a Custom Scaling in which I created a characterisitc curve. My sensor has an output range of 4-20 mA and 0,9-1,1 bar. But when I want to start the measurement an error occurs.

Can you help me?


Thank You



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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by topic author DanielDerer
The min and max must be in terms of the scaled value, not the 4-20ma unscaled measurement.
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Message 2 of 5


thank you very much, it was successful.

Just for the understanding, why must there the scaled values? In my task the other pressure channels can handle with a range from 4-20mA, whats the difference?


Thank You


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Message 3 of 5
I suppose that technically, the limits could be installed but for ease of use, readability, consistency, I makes more sense that the limits are referenced to the scale.
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Message 4 of 5
Hello Recently I have a same question,I have a cDQA-9178 chassis and NI 9213 modules,and I want to acquire Voltage signals,when I click save and run the dialog show:Error -200077,then I search a example: Voltage and Thermocouple in a single in Labview software and try again. it also gave me a one ERROR dialog.can you help me ? Thank you very much!
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Message 5 of 5