09-01-2005 11:58 AM
09-02-2005 09:35 AM
Hello wlb,
Check out this KB. It should give you the info you need.
-Alan A.
09-03-2005 05:32 PM
Hi wlb...
When you switch your USB driver in MAX 7.5... you can create a task in block diagram directly. after that, I couldn't make a task in Max configuration utility. But this must be enough to work in LabView.
09-06-2005 06:51 PM
You are correct that you can not use the NI-DAQmx Base Task Configuration Utility after switching the device to NI-DAQmx. That utility is for use with NI-DAQmx Base devices only. You can use Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) to create NI-DAQmx Tasks and Global Channels. To do this, open MAX, right-click the Data Neighborhood folder, select Create New... then just follow the wizard. Hope this helps!
-Alan A.
09-08-2005 12:03 AM
09-08-2005 05:27 PM
Hello Zicco,
After switching the device to NI-DAQmx, you can uninstall NI-DAQmx Base entirely (not just the Configuration Utility). This will not affect any NI-DAQmx functionality or operation.
-Alan A.
10-15-2010 03:27 PM
Hey Allen,
I know this is a quite old post, but I am coming up with the same problem with my USB-6501 and NI-DAQmx 9.0.2. When I try to locate this Multifunction IO driver in the device manager, I can't seem to locate it under any of the USB or NI tags. I have also tried to locate the FW Updater, but I cannot seem to locate in the same folder location as the old tutorial indicates. I was wondering if anyone knew a way to gain access to USB-6501. It's recognized under my devices; however, whenever I try to create a task in MAX, I come up with the error "No supported devices found".
10-15-2010 03:35 PM
Hi Dr Olfe,
If you can see the device in MAX, everything with your system is probably ok. You can check by right-clicking on the device and selecting "Self-Test". You don't need to go to device manager.
My guess is that you are trying to create an analog input or output task. Your device, the USB-6501 has only digital lines and one counter. So, when you try to create an analog task, MAX is telling you that you don't have any devices installed in your system that will support that particular type of task.
10-15-2010 03:37 PM
Thank you for your speedy response, and I apologize for my simple error.
10-15-2010 03:40 PM
No worries. Have a good weekend.