05-25-2009 10:37 AM
I installed DAQmxBase 3.2 on Ubuntu 8 (basically following http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=250&message.id=43821&query.id=132322#M43821 plus little things) and my USB-6218 works nicely.
However, when I tried to add signal handling to my code (a periodic timer to deal with another device), the signal handler was not called when the signal was generated. The code compiles sucessfully with DAQmxBase, but it works only if I remove NI library.
Am I doing anything wrong? Any solution for this?
05-26-2009 10:19 AM
Just updating the message..
I've found that SIGVTALRM (process time) works fine, but SIGALRM (real time) doesn't.
Is there any installation option that may solve this?
Thanks again,
05-27-2009 04:12 AM
Sorry but,
Ubuntu is not officially supported as you can see at this link http://www.ni.com/linux/support.htm.
You might find something on NI forums or on the linux communities. You can also take a look at www.lavag.org.
Yann C.
05-27-2009 09:26 AM
Thanks for the message.
Actually I solved the problem using POSIX timer_settime, which allows more flexibility to handle periodic tasks (I could use SIGUSR1, instead of SIGALRM for real time timers, which is probably used somewhere in DAQmxBase).