09-26-2012 12:59 PM
I have a LabView executable that I unfortunately do not have the source vi for. The program is used for data acquisition. It references a defined device in NI Max (Dev1 or Dev2). I have been using the software with a USB 9234/USB 9162 combination. When plugged in to the laptop this combination showed up as a DevX in NI Max and therefore was located by the software. We recently started replacing our 9162 modules with the CDAQ 9171 single slot modules. Unfortunately when this is plugged into the laptop the software will not recognize this module combination. With the original setup the 9234 module showed up alone as a DevX. WIth the current setup the 9234 module shows up as a subset of the 9171 carrier. I think this why the software won't recognize the new moduel. Is there a way I can create a virtual device that will reference the cDAQ module and simulate the original setup?
Solved! Go to Solution.
09-26-2012 02:27 PM
In a nutshell NO, you will need to update the code.
09-26-2012 03:32 PM
This is kind of a hacky workaround, but if your configuration is fairly stable and controllable on these systems you could rename the cDAQ1Mod1 to Dev1 and it might "just work" depending on how you access the device in your code.
09-26-2012 07:03 PM
09-27-2012 07:58 AM
Ah, thanks for the input Jeff. Although, since the original poster mentioned that he has the cDAQ chassis and module recognized in MAX and has noticed the difference in the device heirarchy as compared to USB-9162, I assumed that updating to a version of NI-DAQmx that supports the cDAQ-9171 was either completed or at least possible.
09-27-2012 08:25 AM - edited 09-27-2012 08:26 AM
when I read "I have a LabVIEW executable" (That no longer works after updating hardware....) I tend to assume the worst cases like, the source was compiled in 4.0 and has been running for 15 years on a 386. It just seems to be true too often Although the OP did mention USB so it might not be THAT bad.
What version of the LabVIEW RTE is installed?
09-28-2012 08:01 AM
Thanks for your answers. I didn't think there woudl be an easy soluttion, but I was being optimistic. The RTE version is 12.0. For now we're going to keep using the older 9162 carrier until I can find the source code and update the software or write a new vi. From what I can tell the exectuable is pretty old and should be updated/replaced anyway.
09-28-2012 08:02 AM
I tried the idea of renaming the cDaq unit as DevX but the executable didn't recognize it.
09-28-2012 08:39 AM
Hi EatClutch-
Can you please elaborate on your comment that the cDAQ module couldn't be recognized? Did you see a specific error or other bad behavior? Can you share a screenshot of your expanded MAX tree? I don't meant to doubt your update, but I want to make sure that the module entry was renamed to 'Dev1' or whatever is appropriate and not the chassis entry. You may not have the source code, but do you have a basic idea of what type of measurements are being taken? I'm fairly confident that we can make the DAQmx part work with the existing code, assuming you can get past LabVIEW run-time versioning issues.