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Digital change detection not working on PXIe-6535 / .NET DAQmx

I'm trying to block program excecution until PXI1Slot6/Port1/Line1 goes high, but the Task.DigitalChangeDetection event never fires.


ManualResetEventSlim waitForTrigger = new ManualResetEventSlim();
        using (Task task = new Task())
          task.DIChannels.CreateChannel("PXI1Slot6/Port1/Line1", "", ChannelLineGrouping.OneChannelForAllLines);
          task.DigitalChangeDetection += (e, o) =>

I can clearly see Port1/Line1 going high and low on the scope, but the DigitalChangeDetection event never fires. According to the documentation on the DigitalChangeEvent :


Occurs when a digital change is detected on any of the digital lines used in the task.

 So why doesn't Port1/Line1 going high low fire the DigitalChangeDetection event?

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Message 1 of 2

Problem 1: Change detection must be explicitly configured using NationalInstruments.DAQmx.Task.Timing.ConfigureChangeDetection

Problem 2: The DigitalChangeDetection even handler must be regisered BEFORE calling Task.Start();


This code triggers correctly:

        ManualResetEventSlim waitForTrigger = new ManualResetEventSlim();
        using (Task task = new Task())
          task.DIChannels.CreateChannel("PXI1Slot6/Port0/Line0", "", ChannelLineGrouping.OneChannelForAllLines);
          task.Timing.ConfigureChangeDetection("PXI1Slot6/Port0/Line0", "", SampleQuantityMode.ContinuousSamples);
          task.Stream.Timeout = millisecondsToWait;

          task.DigitalChangeDetection += (e, o) =>

          if (!waitForTrigger.Wait(millisecondsToWait))
            throw new TimeoutException(
              String.Format("Failed to trigger on {0} in {1}ms", trigger, millisecondsToWait)
Message 2 of 2