Multifunction DAQ

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Digital output generation with a high speed trigger input



In my application I need to generate 50k samples of data at digital output lines(P0.0 to P 0.7, 50k samples/channel)using an external clock of 2.5MHz and an external trigger. I will get the external trigger for every 32.8 micro seconds (after every 82 clock of 2.5MHz external clock). After receiving the trigger, I need to generate 80 samples from the 50k samples data packet (like, for the first trigger 0th sample to 79th sample, next trigger 80th sample to 159th sample, so on).

DAQ system I have is NI PXIe 6361 with NI PXIe-8133 controller, Windows 7 OS, LabVIEW 2012.


How to achieve this task using above mentioned DAQ system. Ideas/comments?


Thank you


CLA - Certified LabVIEW

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Message 1 of 3

What target are you using (or planning to use)...??

It seems difficult to achieve it on Windows platform, you might need to run it on RTOS or FPGA would be best target.

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Message 2 of 3


I am using PXI system with windows7 operating system.

I am looking for options like setting the trigger window, post-trigger partial sample generation(I am using here the general words).

Is it possible to cut the external clock if a particular digital input is inactive? Reason is I need to generate the digital output here only if the external trigger input is high.


Thank you


CLA - Certified LabVIEW

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