Multifunction DAQ

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Equivalent function for DIG_Prt_Config in NIDAQmx.

Hi stf13,


I don't know the answer, but here are some things to look into:

  • Data layout in the array: DAQmxReadDigitalLines unpacks the data into a separate uInt8 for each line. If this is not what you are expecting, DAQmxReadDigitalU8 might be what you need.
  • Pinout: double check that the physical channel name corresponds to the lines you have connected. Port3 corresponds to APC in the pinout diagrams from the PCI-DIO-96 manual.
  • Errors: does DAQmxReadDigitalLines return an error or warning? A timeout error could indicate a connection problem with the handshaking lines.
  • Return values: what do 'read' and 'bytesPerSamp' get set to after the read?
  • Timing: does your program call start & read before the change actually occurs?


Brad Keryan
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