12-16-2016 08:38 AM
I'm have a USB-6002 card to acquire data through the analog inputs using the DAQmx assitant configured to take 100 finite samples at a sampling rate of 1000S/s inside a while Loop which runs every second. After some time of testing (usually 1 to 5 days), I get the error "Error -224606 Internal Software Error in MIO" and the acquisition task "blocks" taking the measurements each 5 seconds (normally it shoul take only 0.1 seconds).
I'm using LabVIEW 2016. My version of DAQmx is 15.5.0.
I'm trying to understand the source of this error but so far I've had no success.
Any solutions?
12-16-2016 08:48 AM
Could you post your code?
12-16-2016 08:55 AM
Hi stockson, thanks for your response.
I'm not able to post all the code due to confidentiality but I attach the subVI in which I do the acquisition with the DAQmx assistant. This subVI is simply put inside a while loop with a wait(ms) function set to 1000ms on the main VI.
12-16-2016 09:01 AM
The code is simple, I doubt it is the issue.
Earlier you wrote you are using DAQmx 15.5 and LabVIEW 2016. That seems odd, because DAQmx 15.5 doesn't support LabVIEW 2016 🙂
Please install DAQmx 16.1 and check if the error goes away.
12-16-2016 09:06 AM
Sorry, I double checked and I'm actiually using the version 16.0.1 of DAQmx.
Any clues about what can be causing the problem?
12-16-2016 09:37 AM
If it's 16.0.1, I'd still install 16.1.
If you have the newest one, I'd recommend repairing the install. It really looks to me like a driver issue.
12-16-2016 09:38 AM
Ok I will do that. Thank you for your reply
12-20-2016 02:39 AM
I reinstalled the driver as you suggested but I still have the same problem. I had to remove the usb cable from the USB-6002 and connect it again to make the error disappear and make the VI work as expected.
Is it possible that this USB-6002 model isn't adapted to work continuously for a long period of time?
Someone has any idea of where this error is coming from?
12-22-2016 04:05 AM
Hmm, that is interesting. It shouldn't throw errors like this. Maybe it is some system issue, hard to say.
Can you see any suspicious logs in Windows Event Viewer?
12-22-2016 04:19 AM
Thanks again for your reply.
The only error I see in the Windows event viewer is:
"The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
I don't know if this error is even related to my problem, but apart from that I don't see ant other issues which may be causing the problem.